Welcome to the webpages of the company HANAGRAIN J.T.J. s.r.o.

Since 1991 we have been serving as your specialists for the international and inland trade with agricultural commodities

HANAGRAIN J.T.J. s.r.o. - Your business partner for agricultural commodities

Purchase and export

We buy vegetable products of Czech or Slovak agriculture, respectively, which are exported by us abroad, especially to our main business partners in Germany, or resale the products in this country.

Those are especially feed and food grains (milling wheat "B", "A" and "E", malting barley, feed corn, feed wheat, feed barley, feed rye, feed oat, triticale), sunflower, soya, rape, wheat bran, wheat straw etc.

Sales and import

For the farming breeders, we purchase and import from abroad the protein components for the production of fodder mixtures, namely extracted soybean meal.

We import, however, also other commodities, according to the situation in our market, food rye, toasted soya beans, citrus pellets etc.

From the inland and foreign producers, we ensure the deliveries of extracted rape meal, rape expellers, dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS), wheat bran, sugar beet pul pellets (SBPP), sunflower extracted meal, sunflower expellers etc.

Benefits for our customers

We offer to our customers prices per day which are derived from the prices at the commodity stock market, and therefore the customer may wait for the most favourable time for the sale/purchase of his commodity.

We consider the possibility of conclusion of long-term fixed contracts as the main advantage of our business activities; the contracts are usually made on monthly basis, up to one year in advance. A fixed contract allows you to fix the price at a time of the most advantageous price as possible, and can save the money to our customers this way. Our clients can be sure in advance of the certainty of the sale of their production or the purchase, respectively, for the required commodity.

Our German purchasers have made it possible to sign such long-term contracts, besides other reasons, also due to our long-term trustworthy partnership for over 20 years. Additionally to our exports for our German, Austrian and Polish purchasers, we are running our business also within Czech Republic and Slovakia.

We pay to our suppliers, producers of agricultural commodities,
in short time intervals from receipt of the goods.


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